Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Articles of War

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1775, the Continental Congress drafts its rationale for taking up arms against Great Britain in the Articles of War. Congress attempts to notify the George III, that the colonists weren't unhappy with him, but were unhappy with parliamentary policy.
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Monday, June 29, 2009

Townsend Act

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1767, Parliament passes the Townsend Act which imposes taxes on the colonies for the importation of among other commodities, tea.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Battle of Charleston

On this day in 1776,

Col. William Moultrie successfully defends the entrance to Charleston by defeating a British fleet. After sustaining severe damages to several of their ships, the British withdrew from Ft Sullivan during The Battle of Charleston.

And in 1778,

Gen. Lee fails in his attack of the British rear as the move to across New Jersey toward New York City. Washington rushes in to rally the troops at the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse.
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Battle of Liberty County

On this day in 1779,

Patriot forces from Georgia under Cols. Baker and Twiggs successfully engage Loyalist forces under Lt. Col. McGrath at two different sites during The Battle of Liberty County.
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Battle of Woodbridge

On this day in 1777,

Maj. Gen. William Alexander (Lord Stirling) is outnumbered as he fights a delaying action that confounds Gen. Howe's attempt to outflank Washington with Cornwallis. Howe removes his forces to Staten Island, vacating New Jersey, after the Battle of Woodbridge.
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Thursday, June 25, 2009


No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1788, Virginia become the tenth colony to ratify the Constitution.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Battle a Day - The Colonial Years

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1776, Congress declares all Loyalists "guilty of treason" against the United Colonies. The punishment for which is execution.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Battle of Springfield, NJ

On this day in 1780,

Gen. Greene reinforces the troops opposite British forces near New York and repulses an attack sending them back to Staten Island at The Battle of Springfield, NJ.
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Monday, June 22, 2009

A Battle a Day - The Colonial Years

On this day in 1777,

In an example of how complicated and confusing Washington's battle plans were, Maj. Gens. Sullivan, Maxwell and Greene fail to engage the British and their allies on withdraw from Brunswick to Amboy, about a 12 mile march along the Battle of New Brunswick.
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Great Seal of the United States

No major battles occurred on this date.

But 1782, Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Six Nations

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1776, members from the Six Nations or Iroquois (Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas and Tuscaroras) continue meetings with Congress in Philadelphia.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Battle of Ninety-Six, SC

On this day in 1778,

Fearing being cut off by the French Navy, and after the devastating loss at Saratoga, the British leave Philadelphia for New York City. Maj. Gen. Arnold is left in command of the city.

And in 1781,

Army engineer Tadeusz Kościuszko's and Gen. Greene's efforts are defeated by the superior defenses of the fort at The Battle of Ninety-Six, SC.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Battle of Bunker Hill

On this day in 1775,

American forces near Boston establish earthen works on Breed's Hill (Bunker Hill). Col. William Prescott commands 1100 militia to repel several British attacks before being overrun at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Battle a Day - The Colonial Years

On this day in 1775,

Washington accepts command of the Continental Army. The support corps of the Engineers, Adjutant General, Quartermaster and Finance are created.

And in 1776,

Brig. Gen. Arnold commands a delaying action providing cover for the continued retreat from Quebec to Crown Point at the Battle of Chambly.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Commander in Chief

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1775, Washington is named Commander in Chief of the Continental of the newly formed Army and is raised to the rank of General.

And in 1776, Delaware votes to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania.
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

The first United States Army

On this day in 1775,

The first United States Army is created by the Continental Congress. It is officially called the "Continental Army".

And in 1777,

Congress approves the first official flag of the United States.
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The first United States Army

On this day in 1775,

The first United States Army is created by the Continental Congress. It is officially called the "Continental Army".

And in 1777,

Congress approves the first official flag of the United States.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marquis de Lafayette

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in in 1777, a 19-year-old French aristocrat, Marie-Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, arrives in South Carolina for the first time from France with the intent to serve as General George Washington’s second-in-command.
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Virginia Convention

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1776, Thomas Jefferson is selected to write the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. Meanwhile in Jefferson's home state of Virginia, the Virginia Convention, assembled in Williamsburg, unanimously adopts George Mason’s declaration of rights.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Declaration of Independence

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1776, the Continental Congress selects Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman of Connecticut and Robert R. Livingston of New York to draft a declaration of independence.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Continental Army

No major battles occurred on this date.

But in 1775, John Adams proposes to Congress, in Philadelphia, that the men laying siege to Boston should be considered a Continental Army led by a general.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Gaspée

On this day in 1772,

The British revenue schooner, The Gaspée, runs aground near Warwick, RI. Abraham Whipple leads a band of Colonists in the attack on the ship. The ship was boarded, looted and burned, in an action preceding the Revolutionary War.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

The Battle of Three Rivers

On this day in 1776,

After one week of fighting Brig. Gen. John Sullivan is forced to break off and retreat back to Washington at New York after The Battle of Three Rivers. Brig. Gen. William Thompson is the first US General captured in battle. This marked the end of the Battle for Quebec.
And in 1780,

Cap. John McClure attacks a group of Loyalists gathering to take protection under Col. Housman. This is the first Patriot victory after the fall of Charleston.

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